Mission Statement

At Secari, my mission is to help you heal, grow, and thrive by providing products that promote daily well-being, relaxation, and self-awareness. I believe that self-care is not just a one-time event, but a continuous and evolving practice of habits that honor and nurture who you are. Supporting your well-being is the purpose of this brand, and I am committed to helping you unlock the full potential of your self-care journey with the tools you need to live your biggest, most balanced lives.

Meet the Founder

Welcome, I am so happy you're here!

Growing up in a family of strong women, I was raised with a solid understanding of the importance of self-care rituals. It was this inspiration that I drew from throughout my career in the nonprofit world, where I experienced burnout and compassion fatigue firsthand. I found the culture and expectations of selflessness to be imbalanced and shortsighted and learned to develop my own self-care rituals to recharge so that I could remain dedicated to my work without compromising my well-being in the process.

A major turning point in my practice was losing my grandmother, affectionately known as Grandee. Her passing forced me to go deeper into my mental health support and healing holistically. Self-care then became less of a hobby and more of a way of life to help find and keep peace through grief and change.

Through SECARI, my passion for working with people meets my calling to support others in their journeys of personal development and self-love.

In addition to providing self-care tools here, I will soon offer a range of Wellness Coaching services beginning in August 2023. For more information, please email admin@mysecari.com.